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YouTube Promotion Services

YouTube promotion as the initial capital for your new adventure

“This should be on YouTube!” We hear this phrase increasingly more often immediately after a wild laughter, metal rattle, or other characteristic sounds accompanying any extraordinary cases. The frequency with which the video hosting is mentioned is rapidly increasing. But not due to an increase in the number of potential nominees for the Darwin Prize or the frequency of natural disasters. This phenomenon is just a result of an uncontrollable spread of YouTube to the masses. But why do we, and not without pleasure, observe the triumphant march of the service around the planet? Some will say that the increase in popularity of the video social network coincided with the spread of smartphones... And they will be right, but only partially. There are more global reasons for this phenomenon, but about them, as well as about using YouTube Promotion Services, we will talk a few lines below. Right after some interesting numbers that will perfectly prepare the reader for a further discussion.

YouTube in numbers

  • The total number of YouTube users is 1.3 billion.
  • 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • 5,000,000,000 videos are watched daily.
  • 8 out of 10 people between the ages of 18 and 49 watch YouTube every month.
  • 6 out of 10 people prefer YouTube to watching traditional TV.
  • YouTube stars earned a total of $ 127,000,000 in 2017.
  • The number of channels with 6-digit profits is growing by 50% every year.
  • The number of advertisers on YouTube has grown by more than 40%.
  • The top 100 YouTube advertisers' spending on video advertising increased by 60% over last year.

Freedom is the reason of YouTube’s success

It’s not about promotion of your channel yet, but we hope it will be interesting too. If you weren’t too lazy to read the statistics, then you probably were surprised by the fact that 6 out of 10 people already prefer YouTube to TV. Just imagine, for decades the whole industry has been growing with TV antennas, studios, a huge number of interested people, among which the most convincing “talking heads” received enormous fees. And then some red-white server with videos came and stole humanity’s preferences. It got to the point that state propaganda began to collapse as a concept, knocking out the basis of existence from some countries. And all due to the fact that the viewer got an alternative and the right to choose, which naturally was not in favor of the “eat what is given” information system. It is not surprising that many interesting personalities, for whom television seemed unattainable, immediately rushed to fulfill their talents on the accessible to everyone service. But the freedom, which won YouTube viewers’ hearts, always implies two perspectives. An ordinary user can easily find theirs with the next video button.

But from the position of a beginner videoblogger everything looks more like the free swim of a small fish in the waters inhabited by sharks. This means that the possibility of unimpeded self-development, which the Google video division doesn’t get tired speaking of, does not exist until you also grow shark teeth. How does it happen on YouTube? As in other areas of life: with money and fame. Moreover, these two components of success are closely related. Yes, the platform provides all the tools for a decent income (see YouTube in numbers). You’ve got here both the fee for advertising from the video hosting itself and possible fees for promotion of something from third parties. However, in order for you to become interesting as an advertising channel, you need to have weight expressed in the number of subscribers, views, etc. This is your freedom, that insurmountable wall beyond which lies a boundless ocean of opportunities for growth. Will we break it? So, we approached our main topic “YouTube Promotion Services”.

Is it even possible to create a channel by yourself?

We’ll answer the question immediately. Promoting a YouTube channel yourself is theoretically possible, but almost impossible in practice. With one exception: if you are a brilliant director, presenter, screenwriter, actor, and stuntman at the same time. Diagnosis? Yes, this is possible in one of a kind cases. And an exception, as we all know, only confirms the pattern. “But what about the YouTube superstars, whose income numbers we scared you with a little earlier?”, you would reasonably argue. We reveal to you the biggest secret: behind every star there is a professional team that does not need to be several people at the same time. Already starting to feel irritated by the accusations of people with bloated self-esteem who consider their content or idea genius? Yes, not using YouTube promotion services will be harder, however, apart from talent you will have to put not only your soul, but also a lot of your time on the altar of popularity. If you are ready for this, then we will give some tips on self-promotion of your channel. For the more pragmatic among you, we’ll remind that you are on the website of MRPOPULAR, a service for providing a powerful start or, according to the metaphor above, a service for turning small fish into sharks. Once again, due to the absence of altruism, these tips are given only that upon realizing the complexity of their implementation, you’ll quickly contact us.

Fundamentals of YouTube channel self-promotion

For a fast promotion of your YouTube channel you’ll need some skills. The main of which, like in any multitasking matter, is the vision of the strategy. This term includes knowledge of topics, understanding of trends and the target audience. In the end, you won’t do it without elementary planning since a YouTube channel content can be compared to a good TV show, which plot is planned initially. All of the above applies only to cases where there is already an original idea, and unique content direction has been established. Otherwise, you should not even begin to create, and even more so, trying to promote your channel without using YouTube promotion services.

I hope the words above were understandable because further we are risking to plunge into the depths obscured by technical terms. But you have firmly decided to go the hard way and try to promote your channel without the help of MRPOPULAR? Then, let's go...

In order for your first video to be seen by as many people as possible, you should have accounts on other social networks (oh, you need promotion there as well). As soon as your first video is uploaded, which already means that you have skills in shooting and editing, put the correct hashtags based on your analysis. Then share the link to your channel in all networks where possible. Great, you did it! Your promotion took off! However, in order to open a bottle of champagne prepared for this occasion, you first need to confirm the fact of success by looking in YouTube Analytics. It shows clearly how many, when, and how long the views were.

The latter is the most interesting, as it shows the time that users spent on watching your creations. The most annoying thing is when a five-minute video you spent making forever has been watched on average for fifteen seconds. That means that your channel is not led by multiple professional people. And in order to gain attention of a viewer, you have to make drastic changes. If the audience was much bigger though, then among them there would definitely be those who’d like your video. These are the users that MRPOPULAR provides. So, even without any practical measures, we returned to the need of using YouTube promotion services at the start. But you could still try it yourself. See you soon!