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Soundcloud Promotion Services

Soundcloud promotion: what you need to know

Soundcloud is a whole musical universe with laws similar to the real world. There, as in the space around us, more massive bodies tend to attract planetoids. In our case, this allegory of course refers to followers. As in reality, in the distant lifeless space, the stars light up, gradually accumulating a wandering substance around themselves, and from that their light becomes brighter. But who is even slightly familiar with celestial mechanics, they know that in order for a star to light up, it needs to gain a certain mass. For the inhabitants of the Soundcloud universe, such a mass is equal to the attention from followers, and Soundcloud promotion services are great for attracting it.

OK, enough metaphors! A bit about the online platform itself, and then a few tips on how to promote a Soundcloud account yourself.

Let's start with the fact that the service is intended primarily for the storage and distribution of digitized music, and the elements of a social network are of secondary importance. But their features are more than enough for a talented artist to be noticed by producers, colleagues or other music industry people. But, as you’ve already guessed, you can’t just upload your genious track and wait until you are called, for example, to be the singer in Metallica. As in other social networks, using promotion services to a certain point is simply necessary. Only then your track will be distributed, only then you’ll be able to get noticed by some show business tycoon.

How the project became popular

Back in 2006, no one even thought about buying plays and promoting music, such concepts didn’t exist. But the idea and the thoughts of creating a musical platform with special unique capabilities, thanks to which this would be possible, appeared in the head of the Swedish sound engineer Alex Ljung. The original idea was not intended to create a global network for the exchange of tracks. The founders just wanted to simplify communication between musicians, speed up the promotion of their work, creating some kind of musical Linkedin.

A year later, together with his partner professional musician Eric Valfors, they registered a company with a sounding name “SoundCloud”. Music lovers and musicians liked the services that distinguished the platform so much, that within a few months after the launch of SoundCloud, it developed into a publicly accessible social network and came close in popularity to the leading virtual community with the ability to share music MySpace. In 2009, the project received funding, and a year later it proudly announced the first million active users. In 2012 there were 9 million more. Now, according to experts, the community has grown to 100 million people, so you can talk confidently about an organic promotion and expansion of the audience.

Soundcloud Features

Leading virtual communication platforms have long attracted users by the ability of listening to music. But only Soundcloud has at its disposal unique tools for making music content popular, which makes using Soundcloud promotion services easier to use.

  • 1. A unique URL for each track. Such a seemingly useless feature offers really great opportunities for a growth of your plays without buying them. After all, this address can be easily inserted into a blog or be shared through other social networks. In addition to this, each address can be embedded in a special widget that will make any site only better. It remains only to choose a popular page, insert the widget, and your Soundcloud plays will start growing immediately even without using promotion services.
  • 2. Open API. This useful feature opens up unlimited possibilities for integration with other third-party services. Many app developers for mobile devices did not fail to take advantage of this. There are enough of those for both Android and iOS. The apps allow you to listen to music directly from Soundcloud, as well as upload tracks to the “Sound Cloud” directly from your smartphone. This is a great opportunity to promote and distribute your original tracks.
  • 3. Comments. Only Soundcloud has a unique feature to comment on a specific track moment. You can also point out an artist’s mistake directly with this.
  • 4. Communication. Subscriptions with notifications, comments, and direct messages are available on the platform as well. Moreover, you can add “musical answers” to comments and DM’s. With such a function, using Soundcloud promotion services may not even be necessary for a starting musician.

Self-promotion tips

A key feature that can help in promoting a Soundcloud profile is a complete freedom in publishing in groups. There are no concepts of a “closed group” or a “moderator”. Anyone can join a group and post their track on the feed. Have you already felt how your opportunities have just expanded? The first advice that follows is that before you get into Soundcloud promotion, look for decent groups that match your interests and music genre. Then actively interact with its members, listen to tracks posted there, comment and like them. And only then take care of your own page. This task needs to be approached with maximum delicacy because self-promotion without a good page won’t happen. All music placed on your playlist must be of excellent quality.

The same applies to the visual department: each album should have an official cover, all images should be decent as well. Finished with design? So now it’s time to get followers, and this is when promotion starts. Wait, but you are an active member of several groups! This is very convenient because the reputation you have won will do your promotion on Soundcloud. Start following people from these groups, and they, according to your reputation, are simply obliged to follow you back. But just try not to overdo it. As everywhere else, on SoundCloud there are restrictions on the daily number of follow requests. Most likely you will not be able to send more than 100 requests per day.

Soundcloud promotion services: obvious advantages

We hope you got the main tricks on Soundcloud promotion. Now let's discuss what your reputation and a well-promoted account will give you exactly on this great platform.

First of all, if you recommend yourself to be a good person, then you will have access to your followers and friends contacts. This can be very helpful not only in the quickest monetization of your own works, but also in finding work if you, for example, are a sound engineer and are engaged in mixing, mastering, and the like. Well, if you have already reached the level at which your tracks are already on the store shelves, then using Soundcloud promotion services may significantly increase your sales.

As we said at the beginning, SoundCloud, or to be more precise, the universe is a vast space with a huge amount of music. To be heard without using Soundcloud promotion assistance, you need luck of the same cosmic scale. But, fortunately, you have MRPOPULAR who can point you in the right direction. Moreover, they will walk this path for you. MRPOPULAR have long been in the promotion business in any social network, so our experience allows us to guarantee the results. Contact us, we are always happy to help you.