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Buy SoundCloud Downloads

Can you boost promotion on SoundCloud if you buy downloads?

SoundCloud is a music streaming platform originally designed to allow musicians to share recordings with each other and to leave feedback, which is necessary in collaborative work on music. Subsequently, everything changed a lot, and now SoundCloud can be called a full-fledged musical environment, or rather fertile soil from which most modern music grows.

Beginner musicians already firmly associate the social network with a virtual training ground, where you can show yourself and get a fair assessment of many music lovers in return, as well as learn from others or give a start in life to a young colleague. However, you can measure success in this world filled with sounds not only with talent alone. The platform has all the tools of social networks that become the measures of popularity, among which to buy SoundCloud downloads is the main one. More on that later, but first, here’s everything you need to know about this unique service.

History of its success

Founded in 2007, the network quickly moved beyond its humble original purpose: by 2010, the number of users who signed up for Soundcloud services exceeded one million. Two years later, that number skyrocketed to 10 million registered users, and reached 40 million by 2013. To make the most of its growing user base, the service has been expanded with the 2016 launch of SoundCloud Go, a subscription-based streaming service similar to Spotify and Apple Music.

Originally, the existing free content library was merged with licensed music. In early 2017, the developers introduced another type of subscription. There is no licensed music library in it, but you can listen to music without ads for a small monthly fee. This option is a great opportunity to quickly monetize your art. In this light, buying promotion becomes even more relevant.


  • library of 120 million tracks (Apple Music has 40 million total)
  • music streaming
  • all important elements of social networks
  • custom recommendations

The last point is the most interesting to us since it is the reason why you should buy SoundCloud downloads.

How it works

In addition to the main page of recommendations typical for such services, where you can find popular singles, there is also a custom one. You can choose the style of music and the ranking algorithm will select what it thinks you like. However, the aforementioned software has neither soul nor taste unfortunately. Its essence is a mathematical formula. In order to determine the popularity of a particular track, it has to rely on numbers.

This is the number of plays, reposts, and downloads for a media file on SoundCloud. As you already understood, if you buy the last indicator, you make the ranking algorithm place it in the top list of recommendations. In other words, to buy downloads is almost the same as likes on Twitter. Your tweet that has a lot of positive ratings, or a track in our case, becomes visible to a large number of users. Then it's up to how and to what extent you please the tastes of music lovers. If they like your work, then the popularity will not keep you waiting.

MRPOPULAR will download many times

It would seem that to buy downloads is something simple even for those who know that it’s impossible to download repeatedly from one device. Well, just change the IP address and that's it. We are forced to disappoint you, but apart from being in the network's address book, SoundCloud's security system tracks many more signs of "humanity." Actions should be performed from one device, the account needs to be real and active. In addition, there are even more signs of natural behavior that are taken into account. But they are kept in the strictest secrecy by the developers. In other words, it is almost impossible to buy downloads yourself. For starters, you will have to solve the issue with the amount of "real" accounts that must be equal to the planned number of downloads.

This may sound cheesy, but MRPOPULAR accidentally ended up with several thousand of these accounts, and this is why many people buy this service from us. In addition, many years of experience help us accurately mimic the behavior of the average music lover. Therefore, there won’t be any unforeseen situations with the security system. The promotion will run smoothly and steadily.