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Buy VK Likes (VKontakte)

Buying VK likes is an effective method of page promotion

For 10 years, VK has been the most popular social network in Russian speaking countries. In addition, VK is considered to be one of the most visited sites in the Russian segment of the Internet: it’s used more often than any other site and even search engines. If you keep thinking about how to buy VK likes, then you subconsciously want your page or community to be more popular and visible in the news feed. MRPOPULAR knows how to help you. Here, you can buy VK likes on very favorable terms and at an affordable price.

Why should you buy VK likes?

Social networks play a huge role in the modern life of each of us, and it’s stupid to deny it. If before they were used mainly for communication and maintaining contact between relatives and acquaintances, now VK and similar platforms have turned into a powerful promotion tool. That is why, in addition to ordinary people, celebrities (singers, actors, etc.) and various companies keep registering in social networks making it seem that they want to be closer to their fans. For the latter, promotion and buying VK likes is a great way to maintain feedback with existing customers and attract new ones.

Since these so-called “likes” were introduced on social networks, these little hearts, which followers and casual page visitors put under posts and photos, have become a definite indicator of a user's popularity level. Buying likes gives a user various benefits:

  • the more likes there is under a post, the more likely it will be in the VK top. This means that more people will see it: potential real customers and followers;
  • increased self-esteem (surprisingly, the number of cherished hearts under a photo or a post on a VK page somehow magically affects the level of self-esteem of its owner);
  • the more likes the account of a company distributing certain goods and services has, the more trustful are its potential and existing customers;
  • buying VK likes can “provoke” a rapid increase in the number of real followers (it’s triggered not only by getting into the top, but also by the psychology of social network users who pay attention primarily to “opinion leaders”, whose popularity is obvious);
  • drawing attention to important information that may be interesting to many people, not only to those who are already following you;
  • increasing interest in a product (even if someone has already seen the services or products you offer but didn’t pay attention to them, they will be drawn to you by a large number of likes. If a product is so popular, then it’s worth paying attention to);
  • popular, promoted pages on social networks is what attracts the advertisers. So if you buy likes, the chances of you selling ads are significantly higher.

Why is self-promotion on VK a bad idea?

You need to understand that delaying buying VK likes, combined with the desire to promote a page and make it popular, can result in countless hours behind the computer and the lack of any result. Any free method of account promotion requires a huge amount of efforts and free time. Those, who nevertheless want to engage in VK self-promotion, need to be prepared for the following:

  • you’ll be doing it all the time, literally around the clock, spending all your free time on promotion;
  • even if you are fully dedicated to it (as they say, to the last drop of sweat and blood), no one guarantees you any result;
  • low quality of the results, expressed in the fact that the clients you’ve still managed to attract are unlikely to stay long if you allow yourself to relax by slowing down the pace of your self-promotion;
  • taking care of dubious tasks: the pursuit of free likes usually draws people in obscure contests, they have to follow some strangers, which may lead to the fact that your page will be littered with completely unnecessary content;
  • lack of any guarantees, if you decide to use the services of "companies" offering free promotion. Most likely they are scammers who can take over your account for their own purposes;
  • endless spam and self-promotion, which are necessary in the free promotion method of your account. You can simply annoy your potential followers and clients by completely ruining your reputation.

What buying VK likes price depends on: the main pricing factors

Now that we’ve figured out all the disadvantages of free promotion, we need to understand how much and what for you need to pay for an efficient VK promotion. The following factors may affect the cost of buying VK likes:

  • the quality of bot accounts and accounts of real people, who are “responsible” for putting likes: the cheaper promotion is, the less quality the account that puts hearts under your posts has. For example, its nickname may be strange, and the page may be completely empty without a profile picture, which is completely not credible. However, our experience shows that real users get rarely curious about who really likes posts;
  • the way to order likes (manually or automatically);
  • speed, which the promotion is carried out with;
  • When you buy the service of putting likes or another type of promotion, you first of all ensure the security for yourself, your personal information and account. This is the only way to be sure that your account will not cease to be yours. In addition, we have to mention advantages of the paid methods:
  • no work from the client is required: you just order the service and wait for it to be completed;
  • high speed of completing an order;
  • such promotion will not have a negative effect (as in the case with endless spam and reposts of dubious posts for the sake of a couple of likes), but an extremely positive impact on your image;
  • a service that provides paid promotion services fully controls the process of completing a task, since it is very important not to overdo it. Given that every social network has limits that upon exceeding them may arouse suspicion and get you banned.

Thus, it is obvious that the advantages of a paid method over a free one are undeniable. In the end, investments in promotion are not that big and soon are fully paid off due to the influx of new, real followers and customers. Therefore, saving money on promoting your account on social networks in present day is definitely not worth it.

The advantages of MRPOPULAR: what can we offer?

  • Reasonable, affordable prices that fully meet the quality of our services;
  • You pay only for what you order: the amount that you have to pay corresponds to the number of likes you want to buy;
  • By visiting the MRPOPULAR website, you will understand that buying VK likes is far from the only service we can offer: here you can order effective promotion in any popular social network;
  • Our site is very simple and intuitive to use, so the process of ordering a particular service doesn’t take much time;
  • When you buy VK likes, your order is carried out by real people. Therefore, such surge of activity on a page will not cause any suspicion and will not lead to it getting banned. Moreover, the client has the right to regulate the speed of the promotion;
  • You are not required to provide any personal data when you order VK promotion from us, so there is left no room for doubt about how secure our services are;

If you have any additional questions, you can always contact our professional support team, who will answer them in detail.