Telegram managed to create its large and unique community within just a few years. There are several reasons for choosing Durov’s messenger over others: secure messaging, interface simplicity, various features, and most importantly, a complete lack of ads. This last feature, like no other, is what attracts the audience. It would seem that this is a natural aspiration of modern man, but we see something more behind this simple desire to see “pure” content.
Have you ever thought about why other social networks need ranking at all? Why there are popular posts that we don’t care about in our news feeds? The thing is that under the guise of a convenient social communication service there is a brutal advertising machine. Targeted advertising posts, which now and then appear before our eyes, are just the visible tip of the iceberg. Most of the underwater body of this ice mountain is occupied by the ranking algorithm. Its purpose is to feed us allegedly popular posts. Allegedly, because everyone, including social networks developers, knows that popularity can be sold and bought.
This is why we can draw a simple conclusion: traditional social networks are nothing more than PR and advertising agencies with a turnover of billions of dollars. Perhaps, this is the reason the audience of Telegram keeps growing. It’s because this messenger is free from voluntaristic principles of imposing anything on us. People understand this subconsciously, and therefore the number of Telegram groups is multiplying. Naturally, they discover about the possibility to buy Telegram group members. Here's more about that.
The messenger is constantly being updated. Recently, there were many innovations, among which creating groups and channels has been truly revolutionary. As a result, Telegram acquired all the basic functions of a social network, but still lacks the news feed, which, as we know, is what drives advertising. This, as we’ve already said, motivates the creation of communities and buying Telegram group members.
Telegram group is a circle of users united by a common chat. Everyone can see messages from others, and depending on the settings set by the admin, they can send them themselves. Of course, you can share media content in groups as well. Initially, the number of members is limited to 200 people, but there is a feature of supergroups for larger audiences. The number of followers can reach 10,000 with them, and there are also some additional settings.