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Pinterest Promotion Services

Pinterest promotion services: talk about yourself through photos

Pinterest is an extremely colorful and vibrant platform that provides services for storing and sharing photos. The main difference between the photo hosting from similar ones is a clear and structured separation by topics. Thanks to this feature, you can easily find an image that perfectly matches your request.

Women love with their eyes. Perhaps, this is why Pinterest is so popular among them. It’s quite easy to explain once you look at the minimalistic, but at the same time sophisticated design of the pages of the website or the app. It all makes the social service a convenient platform for expanding the influence of various fashion brands and basically of everything where influence is based on visual images. Therefore, if you want to impress a lot of people with something very attractive, then you definitely need Pinterest promotion services. We will tell you about this quite useful and effective process a bit later, but for now, here’s a bit info about the photo hosting itself.

About Pinterest

The purpose of the service is to provide its users with easy photo upload and a variety of tools for sharing and organizing images. Uploaded photos are called pins around here (from the word “pin”), and thematic collections that are made by users are called boards (from the word “board”).

In addition to a personal feed consisting of the pins of the people you follow, there is also a recommendation feed on Pinterest. Its compilation is entrusted to a ranking algorithm. This is great news for us because if there is such a feature, then you can use promotion services for your account, specific images, or thematic collections (boards).

The popularity of Pinterest is constantly growing. In terms of frequency of search for various images, the service is steadily catching up with Google Images. By the end of 2016, the website took 50th place in terms of traffic, and this is not taking into account the mobile app users.

The vast majority of Pinterest community are women. The fairer sex is 80% total. Regarding age characteristics, the same 80% falls on people from 25-54 years old. As you can see, Pinterest is just perfect for clothes, beauty care manufacturers, and other sectors of the beauty industry. However, you definitely need Pinterest promotion services in this case, and here's why...

Pinterest promotion services: how it works

Pinterest promotion services are almost the only way to get new followers, which means expanding the audience. The bigger the latter is, the more effective your advertising pins become, which entails a significant improvement in conversion.

Pinterest promotion services are a process aimed at improving the ranking of boards and individual images in the recommendations feed.

The first thing a user sees is the recommendations page. The most popular content is there. Moreover, this characteristic directly affects its place in the hierarchy. Pins, boards with a lot of saves, comments from users who have the largest number of followers take first places. This is how they are visible to millions of users. And that is the goal of any promotion campaign. Pinterest promotion services work to increase the above indicators of content or an account, which provides it with the best places in the recommendation feed.

How MRPOPULAR provides Pinterest promotion services

The main principle of any business is not to harm. And the likelihood of such an extreme outcome on Pinterest is very high. The situation is due to a strict security system that blocks automatic promotion services. Ultimately, an inept promoter can get a long-term ban, which will have a very negative effect on the planned advertising campaign.

MRPOPULAR executes Pinterest promotion services fast and securely. This is achieved by using a lot of real and active accounts that are maintained in a working state by our employees. They themselves will carry out the process. This is why the probability of a negative outcome is completely ruled out.

Besides us in the area of social media promotion, there are many companies that say a lot of pretty and convincing words. But behind this advertising slogans lie regular Pinterest promotion services done by bots that you can find dozens of on the Internet. However, everyone knows that cheap cannot be good, and using such bot programs with almost 100% probability can lead to the unpleasant incident described above. Trust the professionals and Pinterest promotion services will be fast and safe.