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Buy TT comment likes

Can buying likes for comments on TT make you a famous blogger?

How much do popular bloggers earn on TT? We are talking about tens and even hundreds thousands dollars a month. If you want to start making this kind of money, you need to attract real followers to your account. How do you do it? You can order advertising from popular pages or buy promotion services. The second option is much cheaper and can save up to 90% of your budget.

What promotion services do you need to buy in order to be among the top bloggers? It is best if you boost evenly all the stats you have. This is done to imitate activity and engagement. If you want to lure other people’s followers, buying comment likes on their video will be perfect.

How likes on your comments help promotion

Imagine that you have just started publishing interesting videos which already have positive reactions, but there are too few of them. You want to increase the promotion speed and get lucky. You have popular competitors posting on the same topics as you. They have millions of genuinely interested followers. How to lure them to you? In order to not spend a hundred dollars on one advertising post, you can use a little trick: comment these bloggers videos. Do not just leave your opinion, but buy likes for it making it noticeable.

Comments that have been marked with hearts are ranked above all others. The more likes there are, the better its position among other user opinions will be. How does this affect the user who left such a comment? Other viewers, followers of this creator begin to pay attention to him. They go to the commenter's profile, study it, watch the videos, and even follow. Of course, provided that they are interested in the content of a beginner and are ready to watch it more.

In order to increase the conversion percentage of ordinary visitors to regular followers, the author's page in TT should be well designed and filled with content, We are talking about a profile picture, a text description of yourself and your content, as well as the videos themselves. You cannot publish one or two videos and hope that a person will follow and stay on your page. There should be a lot of videos, preferably several dozen. Then the viewer will have something to get excited about, and even when he finishes watching everything, he will want to stay to not miss the next video. This is how a casual viewer turns into follower.

How to encourage a commenter or help a friend with likes

If your channel already has a certain number of active subscribers, they regularely watch videos and comment on them. If you really liked a statement and you want to make its author happy, you can buy likes for it. Not for the commenter himself, but for the comment that you liked.

You can do the same to help your friend with promotion. Say, you have a TT page with 50,000 followers, and your friend has only 10. You know that his videos are good and similar to your your topic. Of course, you can directly advertise your friend, but you will have to do it for free since it is your friend. Meanwhile the post is there, you could have earned several hundred dollars by making a post for a real advertiser. In order to not miss out on making money and not offend a friend, you can advise him to publish a few comments on your videos, and then buy some likes for them.

This way, you will achieve the results which will satisfy both parties. You still have to buy likes though. But given their low price, this will not require large expenses. As a result, some of your followers will go to the channel of your friend or acquaintance. You will not lose anything from this, and your friend will be grateful to you and will also help in the future.

Where you can order likes for a comment on TT at a cheap price

There are practically no sites that provide such services. The most interesting option is offered by MRPOPULAR. Here, bloggers can choose one of 3 service packages for buying comment likes:

  • Low quality likes.
  • Medium quality likes.
  • High quality likes.

The price corresponds to the quality level.

How to place an order? You can buy a boost of likes for a comment in just 15-20 seconds. First, paste the link to the post in the field, then enter the name of the user whose comment you want to add likes to, and then indicate the number of hearts!

After an order is paid, it is put into operation within 10 minutes. You just have to wait for its progress and verify its completion.