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How buying Medium likes can boost creator promotion

How to write viral articles to get likes from thousands of readers

Buying likes on Medium is an effective way to get the attention of users. Since 2017, likes took the form of clapping hands. A reader needs to hold down the clap icon or press it as much as they want, up to a maximum of 50 times to rate a post. That is, they give a score on a scale of 50 points.

It is impossible to cancel already pressed claps as this is not allowed by the site. This is why you should use this feature more carefully so that there are no posts in your feed you don’t like that were picked because of an accidental like.

How to get likes on Medium by posting articles

You need content so your readers could put likes. It is pretty obvious, but not everyone understands what kind of content they should make. They don’t know which posts people will like and which ones they won’t.

It is not enough just to buy likes on Medium. The articles need to be interesting and useful for real users. Only then will their “claps” be real, numerous, and fully approving of the post author.

Tips for writing articles on Medium:

  • Write about what you are an expert on.

This rule is universal and suitable for any platform. If you write about something you have no idea about, the text will be unreliable and fake. In order to attract followers and fans, you need expert and useful articles.

  • Avoid spelling and punctuation errors.

You don't need to be a genius to buy likes on Medium, but you can't say the same about the language. A smart audience will find it unpleasant to read articles with many errors. Here the blogger has 2 options: either write correctly from the very beginning, or hire an editor who will proofread the posts and make corrections.

  • Create intriguing headlines for your posts.

The headline should attract the attention of readers. It should be about something they have long wanted to know or what they really care about. You should also include the words “How” or “Why” in the title of articles. In combination with causing interest, this creates a viral effect. This is how buying Medium likes will increase the number of initial reactions and create real claps.

  • Spice up text paragraphs with relevant images.

If you are writing about a specific car, post a photo of this car. If you are talking about the life of African rhinos, post a picture of rhinoceros. This is how you will slow down the scrolling speed of readers and retain them longer on your page.

  • Use informal language in articles.

It is better to avoid formal language. Lively and informal language is welcome on Medium. The simpler the author expresses himself, the more readers will understand him. Buying Medium likes will attract the attention of users and help the blogger reach the target audience.

  • Write concisely for the English-speaking audience.

If you want to create content for the English-speaking audience, note that they do not like a lot of paragraphs of text. English-speaking users prefer more concise publications that can be read in a few minutes.

By following all of the above tips, you will surely get a lot of real claps and will become a popular author. It is possible that you will need to buy only a few likes on Medium for the initial promotion. And then, you can rely on your own efforts to create good articles.

How to start making money with your posts on Medium

The platform offers its bloggers an affiliate program. By joining it, the author starts earning by writing articles, and his posts get included in various selections.

Here's how it all works:

  • Medium offers its users a paid $5 subscription.
  • The resource counts the number of article reads and claps from paid users.
  • Then the site pays out a share of its earnings from subscriptions.

By the way, buying likes on Medium can help speed up the process of article monetization. After all, the more claps on posts there are, the more likely it is that paid readers will pay attention to these publications and not only read, but also react with clapping.

You can also buy Medium likes using the money earned on paid subscriptions. You are unlikely to earn tens of thousands of dollars with them, but it’s still decent income.

To monetize old posts, open them and click the gear icon. Select "Edit Story", then press 3 dots and tap "Manage distribution settings". Then check the box and use the "Save" button.

Where is the best place to buy Medium likes

If you need high-quality likes from regular users, then the most suitable choice is MRPOPULAR. Only here, you can buy claps from both bots and real users depending on the package chosen by the client.

The promotion services start working within a day. You can add up to 30 claps per post per day. This is not much, but it allows you to keep your account safe without exposing it to the risk of being banned by the platform.

In order to make the service of buying Medium likes efficient, our specialists use the best practices from the very creation of the platform. Therefore, all orders are completeded in full without any errors and undue delay.

Order likes for Medium on MRPOPULAR, and soon tens of thousands of people will talk about you as a successful author!